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What I think about...
Go vote.
Published on November 2, 2004 By
Eric Hybner
Current Events
If you haven't taken advantage of early or absentee voting, get yourself out to the polls today in order to secure your right to take credit for (or complain about) things during the next four years.
"My vote doesn't matter" is a self-fulfilling prophecy that "they" would love for you to believe.
Here are a few articles for your consideration as you help chart the course of our nation...
Speaking of Incompetence (http://www.cato.org/dailys/11-02-04.html)
The Conservative Case for Voting Democratic http://www.cato.org/research/articles/bandow-040420.html)
The Whys and Lies of Conservatism (http://ornery.org/essays/2004-10-06-1.html)
For you believers who plan to "leave it up to God", please consider that God has always raised up leaders and then left it up to the people to choose whom they'll follow. Sometimes the will of God is that we restrain ourselves from action, sometimes that we do odd things like besiege a city with lanterns, other times that we pick up our swords and 'whup it on em'. Prayerfully consider which is more appropriate in this case.
Happy voting, even to those of you with a weltanschauung as far from mine as is humanly possible.
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